Enlighten The Shadows

Get involved
in mens mental health support

If you would like to get involved with Enlighten the Shadows then please get in contact now!

Get involved

There are a variety of ways in which you can do so whether it being actively a part on any of the online socials giving support and advice to those in which need it most to helping spread the message about the services in which ETS provides. We are nothing without the help in which you provide. We are a community based organisation and our way to further this initiative we promote those within the community in being a hero as part of the ETS Team!

Enlighten the Shadows


We encourage all to get Flyers. This way you can post out the flyers anywhere and everywhere you can to spread the message.

Rapid Referral Cards

The Rapid Referral Cards are quick and easy to carry around in your wallet which can be given to anyone when you feel they are in need of a listening ear if you feel they need it but you personally dont feel you know how to help. They come equip with a QR code that is scalable by your mobile device so the user can quickly connect with the service they may need the most in times of turmoil.

Mens Mental Health
Mens Mental Health Support Group

Beer Mats

We believe that by spreading the message of Mens Mental Health is by getting the word out where alot of men hang around the most, down at the pub. If you as a Public House want to help out as the community of Enlighten the Shadows and are happy to use our beer mats to get the talk of mental health a stigma that we should not longer be ashamed of then we believe it is your duty to get these in your establishments NOW! The same applies if you are simply a patron to a local drinking station and wish to spread the message. Simply have a word with the owner, or the manager and explain how you think they can play a part in saving lives and bring them in yourself!

The Rapid Referral Cards are quick and easy to carry around in your wallet which can be given to anyone when you feel they are in need of a listening ear if you feel they need it but you personally dont feel you know how to help. They come equip with a QR code that is scalable by your mobile device so the user can quickly connect with the service they may need the most in times of turmoil.



It is important that you know how seriously we take the privacy and security here at Enlighten the Shadows.
This applies especially to our Closed Facebook Group.
We promise you a platform to be heard. We do this by:

  • Ensuring that this platform is entirely secure from prejudice and judgement, by
  • Only allowing Membership to the Group after taking part in an application process before joining, which is
  • The same application process that all have to complete.
  • Setting our groups privacy encryptions to private so that Posts and Comments are only viewable by those already in the group, who
  • are
  • Like-minded individuals, all of whom either may be experiencing some of the same relatable emotions and/or difficulties in life, or ones who has been through tough times and are in a position to be able to Enlighten some of the Shadows in YOUR LIFE.

  • Ensuring that No content shall ever be shared within a publicly viewable place, and
  • All content shared within the Closed Facebook Group shall be contained only to the Group
Enlighten the Shadows

Bank Details (UK Residents):
Sort Code: 20-63-28
Account Number: 43586898

Buy a Coffee for Mens Mental Health

Donate by donating on Buy Me a Coffee Crowdfunding Website

Enlighten the Shadows Patreon Mens Mental Health

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